Considering Enrolling in a Master Weaver Program?

Posted March 9, 2022

On Saturday morning, March 5, 2022, following the General meeting, EWG members learned the differences between the Master Weaver Program at Olds College (Olds) and the program through the Guild of Canadian Weavers (GCW).  Linda Wilson, who is well known in the weaving world with her years of experience teaching various classes including Master Level 3 at Olds College, shared insight into both programs.  She shared differences between the two programs such as having in person ongoing feedback at Olds compared to being a self-learner at the GCW; having an intensive week of learning at Olds versus having a slower self-paced learning; and being in class learning with students allowing one to share success and failures with other students at Olds versus having to search for additional courses on your own.  As well, Linda shared other considerations to help you decide which program you would be best suited for.  If you are a motivated, organized, self-learner and like to read and learn from books, and perhaps are unable to travel and spend a week away from home, then the GCW program might be a good fit for you.  But if you prefer structure, having feedback from peers, enjoy classroom learning, and are able to travel, then perhaps the Olds program might suit you better.  Linda shared that having a group or friend to work with is the best way to success and to stay motivated.

Thank you Linda for sharing your knowledge with us and inspiring us to think about which program would best suit each person.



Burn Baby Burn!

Posted May 5, 2019

On Sunday afternoon, May 5th, EWG members benefited from the knowledge of Kathy Buse on how to identify unknown fibres. In the 4th Master Wannabees session, Burn, Baby, Burn! Kathy provided a lecture, handouts and materials and guided participants on the burn test.

Kathy described the process to identify mystery fibres. What is the appearance of the fibre? Is it shiny, matte, thick, thin, hairy? How does it feel? Is it soft, slippery, coarse, wiry, smooth, elastic? What is the fibre length? For example, synthetics are long, What is is strength? Does it break easily? Does it smell? Some wool has a spinning oil odour.

She provided samples of different fibres and detailed instructions on how to conduct the burn test. She stressed that smoke may be toxic, particularly for toxic fibres, so be aware of the ventilation and try not to inhale the smoke but pay attention to the colour of the smoke and the shape of the residue which will provide clues to the fibre’s identity. With Kathy’s help, participants then had a hands-on opportunity to test the mystery fibres they brought with them.

A useful Sunday afternoon. Thank you Kathy!


In 2019 Kathy Buse presenting a workshop on how identify unknown fibres

Sewing with Handwoven Fabric – March 18, 2019

Posted March 19, 2019

Lifelong sewer, Angela Kelly was the guest speaker for the third Master Wannabees’ lecture.  With Gather Textiles, Angela shared her tips on how to be successful sewing garments from handwoven fabric.

Angela illustrated her talk with garments.  Some of the garments were made completely of handwoven fabric, and others were made with a combination of handwoven and commercially woven fabric.  Other examples included a piece of handwoven fabric inset into a commercially made garment.  Think of using your handwoven, for instance, as a pocket to make an ordinary shirt special.

She provided a number of tips from planning your project prior to weaving your yardage, to how to cut and sew the handwoven to maintain its integrity.  She closed with three ways to get professional results:

1) Have a smooth neckline with no puckering.

2) Have straight hem stitching in a matching thread.

3) Use a blind hem foot on your sewing machine when top or edge stitching.

Thank you Angela for inspiring and challeging us to sew with our handwovens!

Master Wannabee, Sandra (left) introducing Angela Kelly.
Angela Kelly sharing her tips on sewing with handwoven fabric.

Weaving as an Art Form: From Ancient Myth to Modern Day Morocco

Posted December 3, 2018

EWG Member and instructor, Kim McCollum provided an insightful and stimulating presentation on her recent trip to Morocco, artist Ani Albers, and Kim’s own approach to weaving.  This was the second lecture in the Master Wannabees series.

Everything a Weaver Needs to Know About Yarn (but is afraid to ask)

Posted October 15, 2018

Master Spinner, Jen Black offered the first Master Wannabees Study Group lecture on yarn.

Sandra introducing Jenn