Membership year runs from April 1 to March 31

Individuals who join between January 1 and March 31, will have their membership extended until March 31 of the following year.

Memberships expire March 31 each year.
Individual Membership is $50 per year.
Please check appropriate boxes on form.

Personal data collected is kept in accordance with PIPA for the sole use of the Edmonton Weavers’ Guild. Membership information is for the business use of Edmonton Weavers’ Guild executive or their delegates only. We do not sell or lend out our mailing list.

  • Click Submit Application button. Your information form with go to the Edmonton Weavers’ Guild
  • Please send your e-transfer to:


    Last Name (required)


    Individual $50.00 CAD

    WeavingSpinningFeltingDyeingKnittingCrochetOther Fibre Arts

    Yes (required)

    Yes (required) I will send an e-transfer to: