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Daedalus Sparrow Espinner Bobbins

These are the older style without the aluminum drum. They are superfluous to my limited spinning needs.

$100 for all six, which is $16 each. Selling as a lot.

I’m in Smoky Lake or can meet in St.Albert.

Contact Lindsay at LROBB6@GMAIL.COM
(Posted 26 DEC 2024)


– 46 inches wide and 51 inches high with a  circumference of 2 ½ yards,


Folds flat when not in use.


Price: $125

Contact : Gillian Turney

Phone number :780 868 2629



(Posted 21 OCT 2024)

FOR SALE: Avia Cotton Silk Fingering on Cones

Cones available in 4 colors (Nature, Sky, Blue, Grey)

Fibre Content:
75% Cotton
25% Silk

*Milled in Italy

Yardage: 360m x 100g

Price per cone (approx. 1.14Kgs each):
1-14            $75/cone
15-24         $70/cone
25+             $65/cone

Contact Jacquie Embury at

(Posted 24 NOV 2024)

The Beaverlodge Craft club has 3 looms for sale. 

All in great condition.  1 -12 harness 60 “ Leclerc loom with bench asking $2500. One 60 “ 4 harness Leclerc flying shuttle loom asking $1500. 1- 45” leclerc 4 harness loom asking $1000.  Numerous benches as well. Carding paddles set $50.  More photos available for interested parties.    Contact Cheryl at 7808826223 or


(Images will be uploaded shortly – please be patient!)

(Posted 03 DEC 2024)