Dyeing Classes

Intro to Fibre Reactive Dyes In this class students will develop a basic understanding of the dyeing process using fibre reactive dyes with cotton and other plant based fibre. Through dyeing many samples, students will learn to get consistent results and will also have time to experiment with dyes in a more playful manner. At the end…

Call for Volunteers for The Works

Help us to promote the Edmonton Weavers Guild at The Works Art and Design Festival 2017! Focus on Fibre Arts Alberta (FFAA) has invited the Guild to join them at The Works in a display/demo.  The Works theme is “Dialogue”.  FFAA is focussing on Canada 150. The Guild is asked to present 2-3 days demonstration of our…

Nuno Felted Scarf Workshop

We had fun learning how to make a nuno felted scarf on Sunday, March 26, 2017.  You can make a felted purse, 3-dimensional form or a nuno felted scarf at a felting workshop scheduled in April. Check out the many felting and other classes offered by the Guild.        

General Meeting and Fibre Mart

The next general meeting is Saturday, April 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at our Guild Home. The meeting is followed by Fibre Mart.  Fibre Mart is our annual sale of spinning, weaving-related fibres, yarns and equipment offered for sale by our members.  Fibre Mart runs from 12:00 noon until 3:00 p.m. and is open to…

General Meeting and Fibre Mart April 9, 2016

Our next general meeting will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2016 upstairs in the lounge of the Strathcona Community League Hall, beginning at 10:00am. Following the meeting we will have our annual “Fibre Mart” – a sale of spinning, weaving related fibres, yarns and equipment. These items will be sold by our guild members.…

Crayon Challenge

News from EWG We missed everyone’s Crayon Challenge at the AGM!  So don’t throw your crayon away, bring it and your colourful creation to our next meeting in September. If you are a new member and didn’t get a crayon, contact Arlene at classes@www.edmontonweavers.org to get your crayon.